Usefulness of Doppler sonography in aesthetic medicine
Dominika Jaguś1, Ewa Skrzypek2, Bartosz Migda1, Witold Woźniak3, Robert Krzysztof Mlosek1

Introduction: In recent years, ultrasonography has been used in an increasing number of fields, such as dermatology, aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. For skin imaging, research has shown the usefulness of both classic scanners equipped with linear transducers, and high-frequency scanners with mechanical transducers. An increasing number of reports indicating high usefulness of Doppler sonography have been published recently. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of high-frequency Doppler imaging in the diagnosis of vascular complications after aesthetic procedures using tissue fillers. Materials and methods: A total of 12 women aged 19–48 years (mean age 36.08 years) who had undergone hyaluronic acid treatment were included in the study group. Ultrasound scans were performed using standard ultrasound scanners, i.e. Philips Epiq 5 with a linear transducer and Samsung RS85 with linear transducers and Doppler Microflow Imaging option. Ultrasound scans were performed to assess the presence of blood flow using Color Power Doppler (CPA). Pulsed- Wave Doppler was used only for arteries. If no blood flow was recorded with Color Power Doppler, Microflow Imaging was used. Results: Doppler ultrasound showed normal blood flow despite reported symptoms in 3 cases. Vascular stenosis was found in 2 patients. In the other 7 patients, Doppler ultrasound showed no blood flow at the sites where complications developed. Conclusions: Skin ultrasound with Doppler options is a useful tool in the diagnosis of aesthetic medicine complications.