The advantages of combining sonotopogram with indication and fixation in invasive ultrasound
Zbigniew Pilecki1, Grzegorz Pilecki2, Jacek Ciekalski1, Józef Dzielicki1, Wiesław Jakubowski3

The usefulness of sonotopogram, that is mapping of the operated area basing on ultrasound, is obvious and currently unquestionable. It is performed in order to improve safety level of a patient treated by means of invasive techniques. It constitutes an excellent complement of the Perioperative Control Card. At the beginning it was used in sonosurgical procedures, with time it has become an element of all surgical techniques. It undergoes multiple changes depending on the surgeon’s needs. A particularly interesting phenomenon is the combination of the invasive techniques in order to facilitate the performance of medical procedures. Because of some relationship we are going to present the combination of sonotopogram with fixation and indication techniques. They are
puncture techniques which are relatively rarely used in invasive ultrasound and surgical procedures. It seems that this results from the ignorance of their potential and the technique of their performance. Great simplicity makes them universal and allows to combine them freely. This simple combinations can be extended practically endlessly – similarly to domino bricks. For example, the next element of the technique combining can be the removal of an indicated and fixated element or a nailing. It is an excellent example of the complementarity rule – it should facilitate the understanding of Allin1 techniques and sonosurgery and also help in everyday practice of doctors performing invasive procedures. The use of these methods should be propagated not only in ultrasound but also in everyday medical practice in all the specialties. The presentation of the examples of particular techniques and their combination enables to bring closer their practical use.