New sonographically-guided test for anterior knee instability – preliminary report

Aim of the study: Ultrasound examination is widely used in orthopedic diagnostics, however sonographic evaluation of traumatic anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency is still inadequate. Aim of this study is to evaluate diagnostic capability of a new sonographically- guided test for diagnosing complete anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. Material and methods: In 47 patients, with suspicion of unilateral anterior cruciate ligament injury (based on magnetic resonance imaging), the sonographically-guided test for anterior instability was performed. The translation of the intercondylar eminence against thepatellar tendon was measured in both knees. Afterwards all patients underwent arthroscopy. Results: In 37 patients, with arthroscopically confirmed complete anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency, the mean anterior knee translation was 8.3 mm (SD = 2.8) in affected knee vs. 3 mm (SD = 1.1) in uninjured knee (p < 0.001). In 10 patients with no anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency the difference between body sides was not significant (2.6 mm, SD = 1.4 in injured knee vs. 2.5 mm, SD = 1.1 in uninjured joint; p < 0.7753). Conclusions: The proposed test supports the clinician with fast and non- invasive examination that can facilitate evaluation of anterior knee instability.