Ascending aortic dissection diagnosed with the use of point-of-care sonography. Case report
Wojciech Wierzejski1, Piotr Nowakowski1, Dominik Drobiński2

The presented case of a patient in cardiogenic shock in the course of aortic dissection with concomitant cerebral circulation illustrates the effectiveness of sonography in the intensive care unit as a tool that aids the diagnostic process. Point-of-care sonography involves ultrasound assessment performed by the attending physician, being an integral part of a physical examination. A 67-year-old female was brought to the emergency department with a suspicion of stroke, comatose, with focal neurological deficits and was admitted to the intensive care unit due to circulatory and respiratory failure. Based on the findings from a bedside ultrasound examination, the diagnostic process was extended, and the patient was rapidly transferred to the department of cardiac surgery with diagnosed ascending aortic dissection. The case presented demonstrates how point-of-care sonography facilitates and accerelates the diagnostic process and speeds up the implementation of definitive treatment thus affecting the patient’s outcome.