Intraoperative decision to change the course of management based on an ultrasonographic image of urinary bladder paraganglioma – a case study
Waldemar Białek1,2, Piotr Kawecki3, Katarzyna Dyndor3, Lech Wronecki4, Sławomir Rudzki1

This case study concerns a 69-year-old woman qualified for transurethral resection of a primary tumor in a urinary bladder. Since a cystoscopic image did not correspond with typical urothelial carcinoma, an intraoperative ultrasonographic transrectal imaging was carried out, on the basis of which it was believed to be urinary bladder paraganglioma. Endoscopic treatment was abandoned. The patient was directed for further examination and next, on suspicion of extra-bladder phaeochromocytoma, scheduled for open surgery. Due to the location and range of the tumor, and systemic conditions, a radical cystectomy and Bricker’s supravesical ureteroileal conduit were carried out. A postoperative histopathological examination confirmed the phaeochromocytoma character of the urinary bladder tumor.