Prenatal diagnosis of congenital megalourethra in the second trimester of pregnancy
Do Duy Anh1, Ha To Nguyen2, Simon Meagher3, Edward Araujo Júnior4

J Ultrason 2019; 19: 302–304
Congenital megalourethra is abnormal dilation of the penile urethra due to aplasia of erectile tissue, leading to lower urinary tract obstruction. This condition should be considered when fetal penis with typical dilation is seen on prenatal scan. The dilated structure, however, can be easily missed or misinterpreted as the umbilical cord. Perinatal prognosis is poor due to direct consequences on urinary and respiratory systems, or due to severe associated anomalies. A large number of survived cases experience urinary sequelae and renal impairment. We report one case of fetal congenital megalourethra diagnosed at 17 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.
prenatal diagnosis, congenital megalourethra, ultrasonography, postmortem