Multimodality imaging in a diagnostic and therapeutic process of a patient with infective endocarditis
Maria Binkiewicz-Orluk1, Marcin Konopka1, Katarzyna Sierakowska-Sitkiewicz2, Wojciech Król1, Leszek Królicki3, Marek Kuch2, Wojciech Braksator1

Despite the fact that more and more guidelines that systematize our knowledge are being published, infective endocarditis remains a considerable diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. This is partially caused by the variable course of the disease process and numerous potential complications with high mortality. We present a case of a 48-year-old police officer with an inflammatory process within the aortic valve that led to the development of peripheral emboli in the central nervous system, kidney, spleen and within the lumbosacral spine. The complexity of the clinical situation required the cooperation of various medical specialists and combined use of various imaging methods, including ultrasound. This ultimately enabled the correct diagnosis to be established and had a significant impact on the planning and monitoring of the diagnostic process.