POCUS in cardiac arrest and its therapeutic implications – a case report
Wei Yang Lim, Kay Choong See

J Ultrason 2021; 21: e67–e69
Point of Care Ultrasound is an increasingly popular modality in the emergency department as well as in the critical care unit. Its applications are varied, centered on its role in diagnosis, thereby minimizing the time taken for the appropriate diagnosis to be made and hence incorporate definitive treatment. There are currently no international guidelines published with regards for point of care ultrasound in the context of cardiac arrest. We propose to delineate the impact of the role of point of care ultrasound in a patient with cardiac arrest, in the evaluation of the cause, its prognostic role, as well as possible implications for therapies based on a case report.
ultrasonography, critical care, emergency
Echocardiogram showing thrombus in transit on echocardiography