Ultrasound guided injection of the rotator interval – Gaurav-Botchu technique
Gaurav Kant Sharma1, Rajesh Botchu2

Ultrasound-guided injection of the shoulder via the rotator interval can be challenging. The procedure is used for arthrograms, hydrodilatation and intra-articular glenohumeral joint injections. The conventional approach to the rotator interval is from lateral to medial. However, the placement of the needle in the target zone i.e. between the coracohumeral ligament and the long head of the biceps, can be difficult and challenging. Inadvertent injection performed with the needle in the long head of the biceps tendon can result in a biceps tendon rupture. We describe a new method (Gaurav-Botchu technique) to access the target zone (between the coracohumeral ligament and the long head of the biceps tendon) via a medial to lateral approach, which increases the target zone.