Gallbladder polyp in children – a rare finding during ultrasound examination
Ivan Yankov1,2, Nikola Boyanov3, Lyubka Aleksova4, Biser Ivanov4, Evgeniy Moshekov4, Dimitar Chatalbashev2, Penka Stefanova4

J Ultrason 2022; 22: e64–e66
Gallbladder polyps are a relatively rare finding in children. The increased use of high-resolution ultrasound in childhood allows to detect gallbladder lesions in young patients. A precise diagnosis can be established using different imaging series. Abdominal contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination provides the most accurate imaging information about the nature and size of the lesion. This is important for further decisions regarding patient referral for cholecystectomy. The object of this study was to present a case of gallbladder polyp diagnosed and followed up by contrast-enhanced ultrasound.
gallbladder polyp; pediatric ultrasound; contrast-enhanced ultrasound; CEUS