“Journal of Ultrasonography” gets an IF!!

We are proud and pleased to announce that “Journal of Ultrasonography” has joined the elite group of periodicals with an Impact Factor (IF).

Our IF for 2023 is 1.3 (5-year IF – 1.2).

I want to extend my sincere thanks to the Members of the Scientific Committee, Section Editors, Authors, and Reviewers. This success is your success. The IF is a testament to your effort and hard work over many years. Without your invaluable contribution, we would not be in the place we are today.

We hope that in the coming years we will be able to consolidate our position – and even strengthen it ‒ by publishing even better papers with a greater citation potential. 

This will only be possible with your continued support, so we will greatly appreciate your unwavering commitment, good-quality publications, careful reviews, and plenty of citations (mainly articles from 2022 and more recent studies). All these elements are essential if we want to enjoy an even better IF score next year.

Happy and grateful in equal measure, we pledge to continue our hard work!.


Prof. Iwona Sudoł-Szopińska