Tips for improving consistency of thyroid nodule interpretation with ACR TI-RADS
Gavin Low, Meredith Bara, Yang Du, Prayash Katlariwala, Roger Croutze, Katrin Resch, Jonathan Porter, Medica Sam, Mitchell Wilson

Thyroid nodules are very common in the general population. Most are benign and even those that are malignant are typically slow-growing and do not require treatment. Overdiagnosis and overtreatment of thyroid nodules has resulted in significant healthcare costs. ACR TI-RADS was developed to address these concerns, and reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies and follow-up intervals. ACR TI-RADS offers a point-based risk stratification system centered on five sonographic features: consistency, echogenicity, shape, margins and echogenic foci. While the system has noticeable benefits and comparable accuracy with other available risk stratification systems (ATA, EU-TIRADS and K-TIRADS), there are inherent challenges relating to suboptimal inter-reader agreement. In this article, we include 10 educational tips that may be helpful to the ultrasound practitioner for improving the consistency of nodule interpretation with ACR TI-RADS.