Common carotid artery hematoma following parathyroid adenoma FNA
Antonios Tsakountakis1, Anna Detoraki2, Alexandros Karatzanis3, Christos V. Ioannou4, Eleni E. Drakonaki5

We present a rare case of a common carotid artery wall hematoma after ultrasound-guided parathyroid fine-needle aspiration. The hematoma was detected within seconds from needle insertion, extending along the common carotid artery wall from the lower neck to the common carotid artery bifurcation, and it was quickly restricted with firm pressure. The patient only reported mild discomfort. A follow-up assessment by a vascular surgeon two hours later showed no signs of ischemic events and complete absorption of the hematoma without further clinical consequences. Physicians performing parathyroid fine-needle aspiration must be aware of this rare complication, which may be easily overlooked. Continuous meticulous sonographic surveillance during the fine needle aspiration procedure is the only way to directly diagnose this complication and apply immediate pressure to restrict it.